IRyS Birthday Project Hub

This is a collection of links to the different birthday projects being set up for IRyS' birthday

About this Project

Organized by: IRyS' StageEvent date: 6 March 2023


Community Submissions

You spin my world around every time you sing.

Image submission from Kalen

Satoshi Oda

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Hanauma Bay from when I went to Hawaii a while back. It’s a beautiful place and I hope to visit again one day.

Image submission from Satoshi Oda

Wrixne Lenti

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Do you recognize this place? I'll give you a hint. Use the landmarks. Use the signs. You traveled here virtually, and so I went there physically. This is the first USA location you went to in the Geoguessr stream! Toledo, Ohio. Stream Timestamp: 2:11:16

Image submission from Wrixne Lenti